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US Trade Balance “Breath of Relief” for First Time This Year

US Trade Balance “Breath of Relief” for First Time This Year

April was a “month of relief” for the US. For the first time this year the deficit for the balance of trade went down, giving way to increased exports in exchange for a slight fall in imports.

The gap between exports and imports in trade in goods and services narrowed 8.2% to €55.97 billion in April, according to data from the US Department for Commerce, released today.

In April, exports rose to 168.24 billion euros, the highest figure since January 2020, while imports fell to 224.9 billion euros.

“These data are clear signs of the deconfinement and economic recovery in the US. People are no longer at home, they are no longer ordering as much from abroad,” as the Bloomberg analysis panel explains.

On the other hand, as the North American agency also points out, “the opening of borders and the increase in demand in the world economy has caused exports to soar, not only from the USA, but from several countries around the world”.


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