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Angola: Authorities Dismantle Huge Cryptocoin Mining Complex

Angola: Authorities Dismantle Huge Cryptocoin Mining Complex

The Angolan authorities arrested three Chinese nationals in a micro-operation that led to the dismantling, in the town of Quiminha, of a complex to install what was presumably the largest cryptocurrency mining centre in Angola.

According to a statement from the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), five halls that were being equipped for cryptocurrency mining were discovered and dismantled inside a complex in Quiminha, Icolo and Bengo province, where an electricity substation with 15 electricity transformers is located.

The note states that the action also resulted in the seizure of large quantities of high-value electrical equipment, as well as various computer equipment, fans, air filters, among other materials used for cryptocurrency mining.

On the 3rd of this month, SIC also announced the dismantling of a clandestine cryptocurrency mining site in the municipality of Sequele, Icolo e Bengo, and the arrest of a total of nine people, including four Chinese, who led the network, and five Angolans, following a tip-off.

According to SIC, the Chinese citizens concealed the fact that they were buying ferrous material, such as aluminium, from soft drink cans and computer equipment for export.

Equipment worth over $3.7 million (€3.3 million) was installed at the site, and it is estimated that 3.3264 bitcoins were mined daily, with a daily profit of over $320,000 (€310,600).



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