Zimbabwe recently abolished rules requiring exclusive state ownership for cannabis cultivation to encourage investment in the plant for industrial and medicinal uses. Zimbabwe is Africa’s largest producer of tobacco, but officials expect export revenues from hemp to begin to replace tobacco as farmers seek higher yields from the crop.
Farmer Jesper Kirk has been growing mainly tobacco since moving to a 250-hectare farm five years ago. He now plans to increase his acreage growing hemp, a type of cannabis plant that has very low levels of THC – the intoxicating substance in marijuana – when the growing season begins in a few months.
“I went for hemp because it’s an export crop,” he said. “A much more reliable market.” Whereas, for example, the potato crop, the local market is a little more unstable in terms of the number of people growing it. So I wanted a slightly stable market in terms of demand.”
About five years ago, the Zimbabwe Industrial Hemp Trust led experiments in cannabis cultivation and the project spread to various parts of Zimbabwe.
The trust is providing technical assistance and looking for markets for the farmers, said the group’s head, Dr. Zorodzai Maroveke.
The global cannabis industry is expected to be a $46 billion business worldwide in three years – up from $16.47 billion this year, said Tino Kambasha of the Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency
She said Zimbabwe is making a smart choice with cannabis as the tobacco market is shrinking due to anti-tobacco campaigns.
“It is now more relevant considering the threat that the tobacco industry faces and knowing full well that Zimbabwe is heavily dependent on tobacco production,” she said. “It is relevant that our economy has to start looking for alternatives. And I think industrial hemp is at the top of the list. It’s a green crop and there’s a big social impact compared to tobacco. I think in 10 years you will see that the value chains that will come out of this sector are much more than tobacco.”
While Kirk is thinking about exporting his crop, Walter Ruprecht has been using some farmer-grown hemp this year to produce paper. He said cannabis has great potential for Zimbabwe, both for industrial and even medicinal use.
“The advantages are that it will obviously create thousands of jobs in the agricultural areas, just as tobacco has done for decades,” he said. “Hemp has many advantages for its medicinal interests right now. However, there are other compounds that can be used, such as textiles, pulp and paper. It’s a nitrogen supplement for the soil, it eliminates weeds. It has so many advantages for small farmers and of course for value chains, which extend to hundreds of thousands of dollars of opportunities.”
The global cannabis industry is expected to be a $46 billion business worldwide in three years – up from $16.47 billion this year, said Tino Kambasha of Zimbabwe’s Investment Development Agency.
“So it’s a rapidly growing market and we think it’s going to be a game changer for this country,” Kambasha said, “and Zimbabwe has gone a small step forward to show that they are willing to work with their partners and investors.” By coming up with an investor agreement that further protects you against something like expropriation and change or changes in the law, which is pretty good.”
Because of the new cannabis regulations, Kambasha added, Zimbabwe has attracted investors from the US, Britain, Germany, Switzerland and other countries.
This may be a necessary shot in the arm for Zimbabwe’s economy, which has been stuck in the doldrums for more than 20 years.