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Covid-19: South Africa Resumes Allocation of Social Grant Assistance

Covid-19: South Africa Resumes Allocation of Social Grant Assistance

The South African government will resume this month the allocation of the social allowance, suspended last April, to mitigate the impact of covid-19 among the unemployed population. To this end, it begins this Friday the registration of beneficiaries.

The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, announced last July the resumption of the monthly subsidy of 350 rands to people affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

The channeling of this subsidy in reference had been interrupted, in April of this year, on account of the increase of covid-19 in the neighboring rand land.

The payments will restart in the last week of August this year and should run until March next year.

About the process, South Africa’s Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, clarified that all people eligible to receive the 350 rand each month must re-apply.

The minister also said, according to News 24, that all those who were already registered, since the suspension of the process, must re-register.

To better assess the eligibility of beneficiaries, all applications to be used during the process will be treated as new each month.

Furthermore, said the South African Minister of Social Development, there will be no retroactive payments for the months in which the subsidy did not exist, from May to July 2021.

Lindiwe Zulu also explained that the grant was part of a series of measures by the Government to support the recovery of the economy, help the most needy people and those made vulnerable as a result of the measures imposed to deal with covid-19.

Zulu was speaking virtually to a journalist this Wednesday, according to News 24.


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