Product certification plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the quality and safety of goods available on the market.
In Mozambique, this process is slowly gaining relevance. Although this approach makes it possible to demonstrate alignment with international standards, the slow pace has not contributed as it should to the country’s sustainable development.
However, like other activities, product certification in Mozambique faces a number of challenges and offers opportunities that can incentivise the private sector.
Opportunities for companies include:
- Access to international markets:
- Product certification opens the door to entering international markets, allowing Mozambican companies to reach global consumers. Certified products have a competitive advantage, as they demonstrate compliance with the standards required by different countries and regions.
- Building Credibility and Trust:
- (Product) certification builds consumer confidence. We are all increasingly aware and demanding of the quality and safety of the products we consume.
- Stimulating Innovation and Continuous Improvement:
- The certification process often requires compliance with the latest standards, incentivising companies to invest in research, development and innovation. This not only fulfils certification requirements, but also boosts competitiveness.
The relationship between product certification and accredited laboratories is close and fundamental to guaranteeing the integrity and reliability of the certification process
There has been a lot of talk about certification recently. Most of the time it’s management system certification.
At the same time, there has also been talk of product certification. However, little or no importance or reference has been made to laboratories (and their accreditation), on which product certification depends so much.
The relationship between product certification and accredited laboratories is close and fundamental to guaranteeing the integrity and reliability of the certification process. Laboratories play an essential role in evaluating and verifying products, and accreditation is a crucial component of this process. Here are some examples that illustrate this interconnection:
Tests and Trials:
Accredited laboratories are responsible for carrying out tests and trials on products to check that they meet the specific standards and requirements established for certification. Accreditation of the laboratory ensures that it has the necessary technical competence and follows strict procedures.
Compliance with Standards:
Many product certifications require tests to be carried out in accordance with specific standards. Accredited laboratories are able to carry out these tests accurately and reliably, guaranteeing that the product complies with the established requirements.

The 200 or so accredited quality control laboratories are far too few for the country’s needs.
Credibility of the Certification Process:
Accrediting a laboratory increases the credibility of the entire certification process. When a laboratory is accredited by a recognised body, it means that it has been independently assessed as to its technical competence, reliability and impartiality.
International acceptance:
Many certifications, especially those related to international trade, require tests to be carried out by accredited laboratories. This facilitates the acceptance of products on international markets, as accredited laboratories are internationally recognised as meeting quality standards.
Traceability and Transparency:
Accreditation ensures that test results are traceable and transparent. This means that certification organisations and consumers can trust the test results carried out by accredited laboratories, increasing confidence in the certification process.
Constant updating:
Accredited laboratories are generally required to keep their practices and equipment constantly up to date, which is essential to ensure that tests are in line with the latest standards and reflect industry best practice.
Accredited laboratories are therefore crucial partners in the product certification process. It is rightly concluded that their accreditation confers confidence in the tests and trials carried out, guaranteeing that certified products meet established quality and safety standards. The interdependence between product certification and accredited laboratories is essential for building consumer confidence and facilitating national and international trade.
Mozambique has approximately 20 accredited laboratories, which is largely insufficient for the country’s needs. These laboratories carry out food quality control tests, tests on construction materials, calibration of equipment, tests in the health sector, among others.
In addition to the small number of laboratories, the parameters for which they are accredited do not cover the most urgent needs of the market.
One proof of this shortcoming is the controversial Conformity Assessment Programme (PAC) that was recently launched. The main justification for the PAC is the need to guarantee the quality of products imported into Mozambique. The way it was chosen to guarantee this quality points out that we don’t have the internal conditions to carry out this conformity assessment to the extent necessary.
If the PAC is supposed to guarantee the quality of imported products, how do we guarantee the quality of domestically produced products? And how do we guarantee the quality of the products we want to export?
If we don’t have adequate infrastructure, such as independent accredited laboratories, product certification can raise doubts about its impartiality and independence. For example, if the certifying body’s conclusions are based solely on the manufacturer’s results, they will be more difficult to achieve, more time-consuming and more costly.
These are the main challenges we face when we want to certify our products.
As long as we don’t have a quality infrastructure capable of responding to the country’s needs, we will be limited in terms of confidence in what we produce and in our export capacity and potential.
Product certification is an opportunity for the private sector. However, special attention must be paid to the aspects that prevent or limit their demonstration of conformity.