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Healing Mozambique in Times of Adversity

Healing Mozambique in Times of Adversity

  • Odemiro Belchior • Economist

Worn down by political tensions? Stressed and in no mood to face economic and social challenges? Exhausted by the horns, whistles and traffic stoppages? When most people get to this point, they usually move to another city, leave the country, in short, cause a revolution in their lives.

But a change so radical that it disrupts your life and the lives of your loved ones isn’t always justified. Sometimes it’s enough to learn innovative, simple and effective techniques for everything to start flowing again. Or to better understand the reason behind fears, traumas and blockages that generate behaviours, habits and attitudes that can spoil our lives and relationships, and prevent us from living in harmony with ourselves and others. Worse still: these blockages can lead to psychosomatic illnesses, i.e. psychological illnesses with a physical expression, which experts say are at the root of 80 per cent of illnesses such as depression, anxiety, eczema, etc.

To achieve a cure, we have to treat the causes and effects by harmonising the person and eliminating the patterns that generate this energy, the experts explain. Our thoughts direct the course of our lives at all times. Scientists say that we produce between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day. But the key is to know whether what we think is against us or in our favour.

Who hasn’t felt tired by their daily routine? There are undoubtedly many things over which we have no control whatsoever and which bother us, cause bad humour, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, frustration and unease, anxiety and even depression.

We certainly can’t control most of the events outside our lives, other people, the post-election crisis, popular demonstrations, the paralysing of activities, climate change. But we can realise that a positive attitude is a choice. Sometimes, despite all our efforts, we don’t achieve the desired results. We feel helpless and have doubts about the best direction to take.

Whenever we turn away from ourselves and stop listening to our heart out of fear, insecurity, low self-esteem and the need to please, we deny our essential truth. The result is a growing imbalance that will invariably result in physical and emotional illness.

Do you love your country? This is a question we should ask ourselves constantly, every morning. The answer we hear inside will determine what we do that day and all the others that follow. How do we experience them? Filled with a sense of gratitude or, on the contrary, discouragement and bitterness?

Regardless of the momentary conditions of the political environment and the economic situation, we can look ahead with tenacity and hope for better days. And this will fundamentally depend on the extent of the love we feel for our homeland.

It is crucial for the country to relaunch its economy based on two axes: wealth creation and the distribution of that wealth in order to rebuild itself better. In order to create wealth, it’s important to change the productive structure, so that the country is more productive, and at the same time boost the existing productive structure.

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With regard to the second axis – distribution of wealth – it is imperative to strengthen the fight against inequalities, promote the quality of employment, increase investment in the welfare state and public services, adapting and strengthening the policies and reforms underway, in the context of the necessary response to the economic and social crisis, which also requires new and urgent solutions.


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