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IMOPETRO Launches International Tender to Supply Refined Fuels to Mozambique

IMOPETRO Launches International Tender to Supply Refined Fuels to Mozambique

The Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO) is looking for a new company to supply and transport around 1.15 million metric tonnes of refined oil products to the country.

According to the newspaper Noticias, IMOPETRO has just launched an international tender for a new fuel supplier, which will arrive in Mozambique via the ports of Maputo, Beira, Nacala and Pemba.

According to data provided by the importer, the quantities provided for in the new tender will guarantee the availability of the resource on the national market for six months, starting in April this year, with 240,000 tonnes of petrol, 50,000 tonnes of Jet (fuel used in jet aircraft) and 860,000 tonnes of diesel.

The tender will be governed by the procedures applicable to international tenders, similar to those specified in the World Bank’s guidelines.

‘We still have an agreement in place that will continue to ensure the availability of oil products on the Mozambican market in the period leading up to the entry into force of the contract with the new entity,’ said IMOPETRO.

All liquid fuels for sale in the country – diesel, petrol and aviation fuel – and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are imported by sea on special cargo ships.

The process is centralised by law in a single entity, IMOPETRO, owned by the distributors of oil products operating in the country, and the quantities to be imported correspond to the demand for oil products.

The companies’ bids for the tender, which usually takes place every six months, will be opened on the 21st of this month.


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