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Sofala: 94M Meticals Invested in Expansion of Electricity Grid in Chupanga

Sofala: 94M Meticals Invested in Expansion of Electricity Grid in Chupanga

The Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated this Thursday, June 1, in the village of Chupanga, Marromeu district, in Sofala province, an electricity supply network. Valued at 94 million meticais, the network includes four transformation posts of 5 km of medium voltage line, as well as 120 lamps for public lighting. In all, 801 connections were made out of the 800 planned.

With this action, over 4,000 people now benefit from electricity from the national grid, as part of the “Energy for All” electrification programme, carried out by the government and cooperation partners, which provides universal access to energy by 2030.

On the occasion, the Head of State said that the new power grid facilities open space for conditions to be created to accelerate the country’s development.

“Electricity helps in the development and influences the installation of new industries to process agricultural products in a mechanised and efficient manner. Power will provide the district with the implementation of enterprises such as hotels, restaurants and more,” he explained.

The statesman urged potential energy consumers to honour their commitments as customers, as well as to do everything to avoid vandalising the infrastructure of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), a situation that delays development.

“It is necessary to make regular payment to EDM for consumption, because the company also pays salaries to those who work for us. From January to March this year, there was a lot of damage, caused by the vandalisation of electricity infrastructures, estimated at 7.8 million meticais,” he warned.

In their turn, the population of Chupanga expressed their satisfaction for the installation of power, promising to honour their commitments. “Today, I have my business because of the energy. We can now study at night and boost our business”, said one of the beneficiaries.

The President of the Republic has been on a working visit to Sofala province since Thursday to learn about the various development projects carried out in that region of the country.


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