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Initiative Has 6.7 ME to Bring Energy to Remote Locations in Mozambique

Initiative Has 6.7 ME to Bring Energy to Remote Locations in Mozambique

An initiative to support environmentally friendly “green” energy production in rural areas has 6.7 million euros available to fund projects in Mozambique, the Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA) organization announced.

“The funding phase was prepared in cooperation with the Mozambique Energy Fund (Funae)” for the “creation of alternative energy sources to the public grid (‘off-grid’)” in remote areas over the next four years, reads a statement consulted.

The goal is to accelerate the provision of energy services through small networks in areas where the public service does not reach.

For now, the pre-qualification phase is underway to verify that interested “off-grid” energy companies meet the main eligibility criteria.

“The admission system will close on March 29, with the application process expected to be completed by the end of August,” he adds.

The BGFA initiative was created by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) in 2019, under the guidance of the Swedish Government, with the aim of encouraging the private sector to provide sustainable energy services in remote areas of sub-Saharan Africa.

The Mozambican government aims to achieve two million new connections by 2024, benefiting more than 10 million people, bringing the population (30 million inhabitants) with energy at home from 34% to 64%.



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