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Government Invests €2.5M in Electrification of Save Administrative Post

Government Invests €2.5M in Electrification of Save Administrative Post

The Mozambican government has provided 173 million meticais (2.5 million euros) to electrify the Save administrative post, serving 2,000 people in Manica province, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) announced today.

The project to electrify the Save administrative post was financed by the Mozambican government, said a statement from EDM, adding that the extension of the network consisted of the construction of 60 kilometers (km) of Medium Voltage (MV) line at 33 KV, from the Machaze district headquarters and the construction of 15 km of Low Voltage network.

“The project included the installation of seven transformer substations (PT) of 100 KVA each, which allowed 1,750 new consumers to be connected and the installation of 250 street lamps,” said the Mozambican electricity company.

The electrification project was implemented by EDM through the National Energy Fund (FUNAE).

In the third quarter, Mozambique surpassed its target of 200,000 new home connections to the electricity grid and made progress with the first 40 kilometers of the high-voltage line that will connect the north and south.

According to budget execution data for the third quarter in the Energy sector, in relation to the expansion of electricity in the country, “202,213 household connections were established through the national electricity grid, corresponding to an achievement of 101% of the plan of 200,000” for those three months (July to September).

On May 2, the President of Mozambique set the goal of completing the electrification of all the country’s administrative offices by December and ensuring that 10 million Mozambicans have access to electricity for the first time.

Filipe Nyusi said that, under the “Energy for All” program, the goal is to “allow all administrative offices to be electrified” by the “end of 2024”, after the electrification “in the last century of all district offices” in the country.



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