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Gas Plant for Temane Power Station Will Be in Place by December

Gas Plant for Temane Power Station Will Be in Place by December

The president of the National Petroleum Institute (INP), Nazário Bangalane, revealed on Monday 12 August that the plant that will supply the Temane Thermal Power Station (CTT), located in the district of Inhassoro, Inhambane province, will be operational by December, stressing that the works are 92% complete.

“We’re satisfied with the level of execution of the works, we’ve been interacting with the managers who told us that they’re 92 per cent done with the work, which is encouraging,” he said.

He pointed out that, as well as supplying gas to CTT to produce 450 Megawatts of energy, the infrastructure will also generate 30,000 tonnes of cooking gas a year to supply Mozambican families.

“The timetable will be met, all the equipment is already here. This project is important for the country, as it will supply gas for electricity production and also produce LPG [cooking gas], an extremely important product for a large part of the population, and will also contribute to reducing imports,” he emphasised.

For his part, Francisco Augusto, vice-president of Operations and Maintenance at Sasol in Mozambican, the oil company that is the concessionaire for the project, explained that only “a few mechanical connections, the electrical part and control systems” remain to be finalised for the plant.

In May, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) announced that CTT would begin operations in January 2025. Construction of the infrastructure began in March 2022, is budgeted at 650 million dollars and is expected to increase the country’s installed energy production capacity by 16 per cent, benefiting 1.5 million families.


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