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Fuel Prices in Mozambique May Still Rise

Fuel Prices in Mozambique May Still Rise

The government may impose one more adjustment in the price of fuel in the country, given the rising price of oil on the international market following the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Minister of Economy and Finance, Max Tonela, says that the increase would be one way to avoid a sharp increase in the government’s debt to gas stations and ensure the continued strengthening of this resource in the country.

“There is a big increase, especially considering that Russia has the capacity to supply around 30% of the diesel consumption in the European market,” Minister Tonela said. “Therefore, in the face of this pressure, despite a slight reduction in fuel price levels, which even reached around 30% since the peak, the pressure of derivatives, especially in what concerns diesel, is one of an increasing trend,” the minister pointed out.

“So there are talks underway with the fuel operators with a view to finding ways to mitigate this, but, depending on developments, we may have to make one more adjustment, to avoid shortages and guarantee the continuity of fuel supply in Mozambique,” he added.

Minister Tonela was speaking in Maputo this Wednesday after a private meeting with the Vice President for Economic Governance and Knowledge Management at the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Rádio Moçambique


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