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FACIM 2024: EDM Announces Telephone Line to Reduce Fault Repair Times

FACIM 2024: EDM Announces Telephone Line to Reduce Fault Repair Times

At FACIM 2024, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) announced the launch of a new telephone line for reporting faults, with the aim of reducing the average repair time, currently estimated at three hours, according to the newspaper Noticias.

The announcement was made by Joaquim Ou-Chim, appointed chairman of EDM’s board of directors, during the company’s 47th anniversary celebrations. In addition to the new telephone line, he emphasised the reinforcement of picket teams as an additional factor in improving the response to breakdowns.

According to the information, EDM’s new customer service system will also integrate social networks, providing faster and easier access to the company’s services. The implementation of automated responses is part of the effort to speed up the service process.

FACIM is taking place at the Ricatla International Fair and Exhibition Centre, located in the Marracuene district of Maputo province, and its theme is ‘Industrialisation: Innovation and Diversification of the National Economy’.

It will last seven days (from 26 August to 1 September) and will showcase the country’s potential for production and exports, as well as promoting business and investment opportunities in the various segments of economic activity.

This year, 2,300 nationals and 650 foreigners from 25 countries around the world have been attracted, spread over more than ten pavilions and free spaces, and all economic sectors, associations, public and private companies are also invited.

The fair is a platform for exchange and co-operation and will feature a range of activities including exhibitions, seminars, promotion sessions and contact exchanges.


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