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Electricity of Mozambique Advances with Reform in Goods and Services Acquisition

Electricity of Mozambique Advances with Reform in Goods and Services Acquisition

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) intends to make the process of acquisition of goods and services more efficient and transparent, through a project underway at the public company, the company announced Wednesday in a statement.

“It is expected that by 2024, the company will improve” the use of management tools, procurement, storage, inventory and logistics, as well as “the development of career certification,” the document reads.

The changes should also be reflected in the supplier selection process, observing “transparency, integrity and international best practices.”

The measures are part of the third and final phase of a comprehensive procurement reform funded by Sweden and Norway.

EDM is implementing a new regulation for “Procurement, Contracting of Public Works, Supply of Goods and Services” since 2020.

The focus on energy supply is part of the Government’s program.

Only one third of the approximately 30 million Mozambicans have access to electricity, and the Mozambican government wants to reach 64% by 2024.


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