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EDM Invests $100M in 278,000 New Connections in Mozambique

EDM Invests $100M in 278,000 New Connections in Mozambique

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has made more than 278,000 new connections throughout the country so far, representing an investment of 6.3 billion meticals (100 million dollars).

According to the newspaper Noticias, this figure refers to the number of customers who benefited from connections in the first nine months of 2024, approaching the target of 350,000 new connections set for this year.

The information was shared by Stélia Neta, director of EDM’s Communications and Institutional Relations Office, who stressed that there are still favourable conditions for more connections: ‘We are working on the electrification project, which has so far reached more than 1.3 million people in the country,’ she explained.

The growth in the connection rate in Mozambique is also related to the implementation of the Energy for All Programme (ProEnergia), which aims to intensify access to electricity for more families and companies nationwide, with a target of coverage by 2030.

Last year, the expansion of the national electricity grid and the massification of new connections enabled 395,000 more consumers to benefit from energy.

Since 2020, around 6.4 million Mozambicans have had access to electricity, according to EDM data. Mozambique’s energy growth is also driven by various ongoing projects, such as the Temane Thermal Power Plant, with an installed capacity of 450 Megawatts, which uses natural gas and has the potential to increase production by around 16 per cent.

Despite the challenges, such as difficulties in accessing finance and cyclical natural disasters, EDM believes that the country is making progress. However, Stélia Neta also warned of the increase in power theft, highlighting the importance of communities reporting cases of vandalisation and energy theft in order to improve the quality of the service provided.


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