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Cabo Delgado: Government Calls on Private Sector to Benefit From Gas Exploration Projects

Cabo Delgado: Government Calls on Private Sector to Benefit From Gas Exploration Projects

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, appealed to the private sector to take “full advantage” of the ongoing gas exploration projects in Cabo Delgado province, in the north of the country, stressing that the Government wants to see the national entrepreneurs doing business with the multinational companies operating in the Rovuma basin.

Speaking on Tuesday (30) during the opening ceremony of the Energy and Industry Summit, held in the city of Pemba, Adriano Maleiane said that the entrepreneurs are called to bet on enterprises that add value at local level, which will contribute for the diversification of the economy and creation of more jobs and income.

The governor also pointed out that the country’s industrialisation should be based on the transformation of local raw materials, with the perspective of adding value. “It is in the scope of the Country’s industrialisation that the Government has been promoting and encouraging the connection between large projects and small and medium companies, which are the main vector for job and income generation,” he stressed.

According to the Prime Minister, the Executive has been betting on the valorisation of the mining and energy potential that the Country holds, through the implementation of projects that contribute to the development of the industrial sector.

“It was based on this approach that we adopted several measures and actions to encourage the development of specialised human capital, integrated infrastructures, preservation of the environment and conservation of biodiversity,” he said.

Maleiane also added that, “the government is convinced that these and other actions taken will help to boost development of the extractive industry.

The Cabo Delgado Energy and Industry Summit, which lasted two days (30 and 31 May), was organised by the Local Content Association of Mozambique, with the aim of finding solutions for the province’s businesspeople who feel excluded from business opportunities in gas exploration projects in the Rovuma basin.

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