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Mozambique Stock Exchange to List Four More Companies in 2024

Mozambique Stock Exchange to List Four More Companies in 2024

The Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM) revealed on Monday 29 January that it intends to admit four more companies to the stock market this year, pointing out that it has already received expressions of interest from several national entities.

“By 2024, we aim to have at least four new companies listed on the stock exchange. Several have already expressed their intention to join our market. We are also working to attract companies linked to agribusiness, tourism, fisheries and the transport sector. And we believe that by the end of 2025 at least one commercial bank will be listed on BVM,” said BVM’s Chairman, Salim Valá.

According to the source, “from 2016 to today, BVM has grown from four to 16 listed companies, which represents a growth of 300 per cent”.

“We intend to continue to strengthen our intervention and management capacity, broaden our commercial perspective and connection with clients and modernise our trading technologies. We’re going to introduce new financial products and instruments, improve operational regulations and attract more companies and investors to use the capital market,” he emphasised.

Valá explained that the strategy for the coming years “includes actions aimed at internationalising BVM, attracting many more foreign investors and strengthening the capacity of human resources”.

“We want to invest in obtaining our own premises that are appropriate for the functions of a modern stock exchange that seeks to be better connected to the national, regional and global economic system,” he revealed.

In terms of gains, he recognised that his institution has “benefited from the partnerships established with the various institutions in the national economic and financial panorama, allowing society to become better acquainted with the capital market and the stock exchange itself”.

“It has been possible to broaden, deepen and diversify the areas of collaboration with the Angolan (Bodiva) and Cape Verdean (BVC) stock exchanges, which are already bringing concrete results in terms of training human resources, exchanging experiences on regulatory frameworks and trading technologies, as well as management mechanisms, attracting investors and introducing new products and financial instruments,” he concluded.


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