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Stable 2020 Wine Exports Despite Dans

Stable 2020 Wine Exports Despite Dans

The total volume of South Africa’s wine exports, at 319.2 million litres, was only 0.2% down on 2019, despite a five-week long ban on exports and huge challenges at the Cape Town Port terminal due to Covid-19, this according to generic marketing body Wines of South Africa (WOSA).

Despite this, the overall value of exports increased by 7.7% to R9,1 billion, of which packaged wine export value grew by 8.3% despite volume dropping by 5.6% to 136.5 million litres. Countries which showed good growth in value include the United Kingdom (28%), The Netherlands (19%), the USA (12%) and Sweden (17%).

Bulk wine has also seen positive trading with value increasing 5% to R1,9 billion and volume increasing by 3.7% to 181.5 million litres.


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