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Sofala: Government Inaugurates New INCM Facilities to Improve Telecommunications Services

Sofala: Government Inaugurates New INCM Facilities to Improve Telecommunications Services

The National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) has new facilities, the result of an investment by the government, an action that reaffirms its commitment to guaranteeing universal access to quality telecommunications services for all communities in the country.

According to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, quoted by the newspaper Noticias, the new facilities are aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the INCM to keep up with the accelerated growth of the communications sector, both at national level and in Sofala province. ‘With this new infrastructure, the INCM is better able to respond to the demands of the market,’ said the minister.

The communications sub-sector in Sofala focuses on expanding access to telecommunications services, and in the city of Beira, 16 mobile phone stations, five squares and a digital library have already been set up. The Secretary of State in Sofala, Cecília Chamutota, present at the inauguration, emphasised the importance of this new space.

‘The inauguration of this building will improve communication services in the province. However, we recognise that there is still a lot to be done to speed up economic development, and telecommunications play a crucial role in this process,’ she stressed.

For his part, Lourenço Bulha, governor of Sofala, also praised the importance of the work for the state’s administrative modernisation and the implementation of electronic services. ‘The new building, together with the installation of equipment to control the quality of services and telecommunications traffic, will contribute significantly to improving working conditions, which will have a direct impact on the quality of service provided to the province’s citizens,’ he emphasised.

In conclusion, Helena Fernandes, INCM’s chairmans, considered the work to be a major step forward, especially as the previous delegation operated in rented premises, which no longer met the growing needs of the sector.

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