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Ethiopia’s Ethio Telecom Generates £418B+ Revenue

Ethiopia’s Ethio Telecom Generates £418B+ Revenue

Ethio telecom, the fully state-owned company in Ethiopia, has announced 28 billion Birr revenue during the first six months of the budget year started July 8, 2021.

This is indicated by the CEO of the company, Firehiwot Tamiru, who briefed reporters this morning in Addis Ababa. Of the total revenue 54.4 percent is generated from voice services, while 28.8 percent is from Internet service.

She also indicated that the total number of subscribers of Ethio telecom has reached 60.8 million showing an increase of 20 percent from last year. It is recalled that Ethio Telecom has earned a total of 56.5 billion Birr Revenue last year (from July 8, 2020 – July 7, 2021). Last year during the first six months, Ethio Telecom has earned a total of 22 billion birr revenue.

The CEO also stated that the total number of subscribers to the recently launched mobile money service by Ethio Telecom, TeleBirr, has increased to 13.1 million. The CEO also stated that 136 towns in Ethiopia are installed with 4G LTE advanced internet services.

During the six months period, Ethio Telecom has also secured $74.8 million hard currency from roaming and related services.


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