Information security is fundamental to the success and survival of companies. By adopting a proactive approach, investing in technologies and establishing robust security policies, institutions can reduce the risk of data breaches and strengthen the trust of clients and partners.
In this respect, the governor of the Bank of Mozambique (BdM), Rogério Zandamela, argued that data security should be seen as a strategic investment that guarantees the continuity and sustainable growth of businesses in a constantly evolving digital world.
Speaking in Manica, during the 3rd edition of the Protection and Security Department seminar at the BoM, he explained that the issue of security is the responsibility of all the managers and employees of a given company, emphasising that threats and risks go beyond physical borders and geographical limits, which requires a collective and coordinated response.
“This seminar is taking place in a context of major challenges for the area of protection and security, as central banks are currently concerned with identifying adequate and modern mechanisms to safeguard the integrity of information, people, goods and institutional assets,” he said.
Rogério Zandamela said that since the first edition was held in July 2019, the institution has seen notable growth and evolution in its organisational and functional structure, coordination mechanisms and human capital.
“It’s important to note that, in terms of the evolution of the organisational structure and with the aim of ensuring better segregation of duties, the Information Analysis Division (DIAI), the Cyber Security Division (DISC), the Equipment Management Service (SEG), the Electronic Security Systems Maintenance Service (SML), the Electronic Security Systems Supervision Service (SSL) and the Transport Management Service (SET), which was previously under the jurisdiction of the Procurement and Assets Department, were created,” he clarified.
According to the source, “the BdM has consolidated itself as a unit with a unified structure that acts in permanent coordination, allowing it to successfully overcome potential conflicts.”