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UCM Boosts Production of Medicinal Plant-Based Syrups

UCM Boosts Production of Medicinal Plant-Based Syrups

The Chemistry laboratory of the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), in the city of Beira, is producing syrups based on medicinal plants used in the combat to several diseases, to take advantage of its expectorant properties.

According to the technician in charge of the Chemistry, Physics and Biology laboratories of that institution of Higher Education, Munhale Pompílio, quoted by Jornal Notícias, the production serves, in a first phase, to help the local communities.

Pompílio added that, besides fighting several diseases, the syrups contribute to regulate the nervous system and the metabolism of the individual, from the control of the internal instability of the human organism.

The institution’s initiative is part of a project called “Green Medicine”, which started in 2004 and began to be implemented to help the community without access to these services, when the UCM promoted health festivals and/or lectures explaining them about the development of some diseases that can be treated in their own homes.

According to Munhale Pompilio, to prepare the medicine the tablet is dissolved according to each type of disease, and after drying, eucalyptus leaves, aloe vera, and honeycomb are crushed, among other substances that are added to a small amount of sugar and whiskey to facilitate the galenic composition.

After this process, the next step is the labeling of the medicines, at which time the date and place of manufacture, expiration date, and authorship are placed.

About the validity elucidated that of any galenic or pharmaceutical preparation depends very much on the principle of the first product to enter for the composition of the syrup that, in this case, is the first to expire.

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