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Study Uses Larvae to Evaluate new Fight Against Malaria in Mozambique

Study Uses Larvae to Evaluate new Fight Against Malaria in Mozambique

A research study is using mosquito larvae to study resistance to insecticides used against malaria in Gaza province, southern Mozambique, the study’s authors announced today.

“The study consists of collecting mosquito larvae at sentinel posts established by the National Malaria Control Program and growing them in the Xai-Xai insectary until their adult stage, before being subjected to various susceptibility tests,” said a statement released today by the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the entities involved in the research.

The objective of these exercises is to monitor the mosquitoes’ resistance to insecticides used in public health, the statement said.

Alfa Moiane, biologist and provincial head of the Malaria program in Gaza province, said the larvae are collected at three sentinel points.

“Within the scope of malaria prevention and control, one of the main interventions of vector control is intradomiciliary spraying,” Moiane pointed out, quoted in the note.

The research, he continued, is guided through resistance to these insecticides.

Sonia Trigo, WHO focal point for Public Health and Environment in Mozambique, who participated in one of the larvae collection actions in Gaza, said the results of susceptibility tests will help the National Malaria Control Program in making a decision on “the selection of the insecticide” to be used in indoor spraying and the type of nets.

According to WHO Mozambique, the study is part of the AFRO II project for disease prevention and control, which started in 2018 and ends in December.

See Also

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) December 2021 report, Mozambique is one of six sub-Saharan African countries where more than half of all malaria cases in the world are concentrated: they are Nigeria (27% of world cases), Democratic Republic of Congo (12%), Uganda (5%), Mozambique (4%), Angola (3.4%) and Burki


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