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Project +Emprego: How a Cabo Delgado Startup is Developing Software for Local SMEs

Project +Emprego: How a Cabo Delgado Startup is Developing Software for Local SMEs

The +Emprego project aims to create decent, value-added work opportunities for the population of Cabo Delgado, particularly for young people. The initiative has identified yet another promising talent in the region. Find out who Softson is and what added value he brings.

Mendelson da Costa, 18, is the owner of SoftSon, a start-up focused on creating innovative technological solutions. In a region marked by instability, this young man stands out in an area that is ‘outside the box’, literally, and his trajectory shows how the power of good ideas, allied to the will, with the right support, can change lives.

Mendelson’s secondary education was in agriculture, but his curiosity led him to develop software tools that are now an asset for companies and individual users. ‘I learnt to develop these systems out of curiosity. In 2020, when schools were closed due to the pandemic, I had some free time and decided to develop some games,’ following programming tutorials on Youtube. ‘I discovered that it’s possible to create any kind of application, in a relatively simple way,’ says Mendelson.

Later on, it became crucial for the young entrepreneur to take part in a meeting organised by the +Emprego project, where he learned how to organise the business side of the business, with the creation of value propositions for his idea and training on different ways of investing and making his ambitions grow. ‘This moment was important because, in addition to the training, +Emprego gave me material support. It was then that I could really start to develop my products better. It was a great asset for me and my business, it made all the difference to where I am today.’

Mendelson studied Agriculture and Livestock, but his curiosity led him to develop software tools that are now an asset to companies and individual users alike

A start-up aimed at SMEs

Thus SoftSon was born, and today it has a portfolio of various software applications. One of the most outstanding is Kitgest, management software designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with stock management, sales support, reporting and invoicing.

Another standout product is Producer Registration Software (SRP), a system that collects and stores information such as the name, age and products that each producer sells, as well as spending on previous agricultural campaigns and income. The aim is to facilitate access to detailed information on companies or individuals wishing to find partnerships. This information is stored in a database and can be consulted at a later date.

There’s also the Son App, a student support programme that allows you to create and manage projects at any school level, as well as offering access to courses and detailed explanations on various subjects. ‘This system allows students to access courses, get explanations from teachers or specialists in certain areas and do schoolwork directly through the app. After entering the information, the student provides a WhatsApp number and the app sends the completed work to the client,’ explains Mendelson. ‘I originally developed this system to help my aunt, who often asked me to do schoolwork. However, I realised the potential of turning this tool into a source of income by making it available to a wider audience,’ he explained.

Other tools

SoftSon also supplies Enupa, a house rental system, Smart Queues, a user management system for schools, medical services or beauty salons, and Electro-tlim, an electronic doorbell.

See Also

Created in 2020, the aim of the + Emprego project is to foster economic opportunities for the population of Cabo Delgado, particularly young people, with a focus on women, helping to improve access to decent work and income for young people in that region of the country.

Text: Ana Mangana – Photo: D.R


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