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How is AI Helping Education and Work in Mozambique?

How is AI Helping Education and Work in Mozambique?

The use of Artificial Intelligence in education, professional training and labour tasks continues to accelerate in developed countries. In Mozambique, it is already beginning to make its presence felt. However, little is known about the state, trends and challenges of the market. A debate organised by companies focused on this new paradigm gives us the inside picture.

SDO Mozambique, a management, business and human capital management consultancy, in partnership with EDU Digital, which specialises in learning technology solutions and e-learning platforms, decided to hold a debate on ‘Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Future of Learning’, with a focus on human resources (HR) professionals.

According to the executive director of SDO Mozambique, Vicente Sitoe, the main aim is to show how learning processes can be organised through e-learning and how AI can help with data collection. It’s a way of ensuring that a company trains its employees in real time and, at the same time, evaluates performance.

The event was part of SDO’s 15th anniversary celebrations and, through a partnership with EDU Digital, promoted the digital evolution of the human resources sector, showing professionals in the field that, rather than seeing technologies as a threat to jobs, they should embrace them as tools. But the theme extended and ended up making important contributions to the knowledge of companies and society. The highlight was the presentation of one of the most important AI tools available for use by companies and professionals in Mozambique.

The Great Innovation: Totara

One of the ways to take advantage of AI is through an application called Totara, presented by EDU Digital’s executive director, Ricardo Santos, aimed at learning platforms.
Developed by the brand, it uses AI to analyse a worker’s profile, whether they are in human resources, technology or banking. Based on training choices, the platform suggests new learning content.

For example, through the App, a sales worker can be directed to courses related to their profile, such as ‘Business Sales’ or ‘Business Development’.

Originating in Australia and New Zealand, the application is related to ‘learning management mechanisms, training and the creation of reports on “reskilling” (training offered to an employee for the purpose of placing them in a new role) and “upskilling” (acquiring competences to develop existing ones) of their human capital.

The platform has existed in Mozambique for ten years, but now it has an innovation: an Artificial Intelligence assistant that understands the user’s learning areas and suggests other areas, based on an algorithm adapted to training. It also offers more advanced analytical mechanisms, with data that helps identify gaps in workers’ knowledge, providing information that might not have been accessible to managers before.

Personalisation and Scope
The application includes various online courses and tailors the type of training to the user. For example, a sales worker can be directed to profile-related courses such as ‘Business Sales’ or ‘Business Development’. The platform is aimed at all types of activities and is already used by several national companies from different sectors, including BCI, the Port of Maputo and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM). However, according to Ricardo Santos, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can subscribe to the Totara Cloud solution, a kind of ‘rental’ of the platform, and benefit from all the tools offered by the main application. “Small companies, generally with operations in a single province, tend to centralise training at their headquarters. This platform offers significant advantages for companies whose employees are more dispersed,’ said EDU Digital’s CEO.

Totara’s functionalities
During his presentation, Ricardo Santos referred to the key areas of use of AI in learning, namely:

1. Analysis and Informed Decisions
It allows for the centralisation and aggregation of information that can be easily consulted and displayed on graphical dashboards. Ricardo Santos pointed out that this approach helps to identify gaps in the knowledge of trainees and workers, enabling precise interventions to achieve organisational objectives.

The platform (Totara) has existed in Mozambique for ten years, but now features an innovation: an Artificial Intelligence assistant.It is aimed at all types of activities

2. Routine automation
It can save time when dealing with routine tasks. For example, CV screening can be automated, as can enrolling on courses and issuing certificates. This frees up time for professionals to focus on higher-value activities.

3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
They can respond automatically to simple queries, helping users to find information quickly. In addition, they can act as virtual mentors, providing ongoing support without the need for constant human interaction.

4. Personalised Learning Experience
Personalised Learning Experience platforms are the evolution of traditional learning management systems. These adaptive platforms adjust content based on knowledge level, providing a personalised and efficient learning experience.

5. Gamification
The use of gamification, exemplified by Duolingo (the most popular language learning app), keeps students engaged through notifications and rewards. This approach encourages continued learning in a playful and effective way.

See Also

6. Data Protection and Ethics
Data protection and ethics in the use of AI were highlighted as areas of concern. According to Ricardo Santos, it is crucial to ensure that user information is treated confidentially and that the results are not biased.

7. Integration with Corporate Systems
Integrating AI with corporate systems, such as Cegid (Primavera), PHC, SAP and Oracle, is fundamental to freeing up time for strategic tasks. This allows learning and development departments, as well as universities, to concentrate on higher value activities.

Ana Magana – Diário Económico



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