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TSU: Government Assures It Has Solved Part of Civil Servants’ Demands

TSU: Government Assures It Has Solved Part of Civil Servants’ Demands

The Government assured this Monday, November 21st, that it had solved part of the claims related to the amount of subsidies that were not included in the Single Wage Scale (TSU) of professional groups such as magistrates, doctors and teachers.

According to the Deputy Minister of State Administration and Civil Service, Inocêncio Impissa, who was speaking after the third session of the TSU framework commission, the concerns were duly addressed in the last session of the Council of Ministers and were addressed immediately.

“For these classes of professionals, who claim this approach, the nominal amount was fixed, that is, what they received when the percentage of the old wage scale was applied. This was, therefore, the arrangement reached with these groups”, revealed the governor, speaking at a press conference to clarify the criteria that will come into effect as part of the State salary reform.

However, Inocêncio Impissa warned that the solution to the complaints involving the careers of these professional groups in the scope of the TSU is likely to take some time.

“When you talk about careers, they can’t just be the concerns of one group. They have to be for the whole system and they must take their time,” he underlined, and then added that “fortunately it was a mutually achieved solution, within the context of the knowledge of the financial condition of the State. Everything was ensured so that they would never receive less than what they received.

The deputy minister also guaranteed that, at this moment, about 98% of the almost 400 thousand public employees are already included in the scope of the TSU implementation.


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