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Government and European Union Support SMEs With Export Programme

Government and European Union Support SMEs With Export Programme

The Mozambican government and the European Union (EU) have launched a programme aimed at strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to facilitate their entry into the European market. The programme, called Promove Comércio, aims to improve the quality of the products of Mozambican SMEs so that they can compete in the European Union market, according to news reports.

According to the Minister of Industry and Trade, Silvino Moreno, the partnership with the EU includes training companies and improving the capacity of the National Institute for Standardisation and Quality (INNOQ). The programme aims to identify and solve quality problems in SME products, covering the whole country.

The programme also has technical support from the United Kingdom, which is helping to set up specific laboratories to guarantee the quality of exported products. This support includes the installation of laboratory infrastructures and ongoing training for SMEs.

“To make it easier for SMEs to join the European market, the government is reviewing aspects of the customs tax package, simplifying the bureaucratic procedures that made it difficult for smaller companies to participate. This revision aims to eliminate administrative barriers and promote a more favourable environment for exports,” reads the note.

According to the information, the launch of Promove Comércio aims to increase the number of Mozambican SMEs in the European market, diversifying the country’s export base. “The programme aims to provide companies with the knowledge and skills to understand and meet the requirements and demands of the European market,” said Silvino Moreno.


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