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AfBD Proposes New Development Strategy for Mozambique

AfBD Proposes New Development Strategy for Mozambique

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has proposed a new strategy to Mozambique’s government for the 2023-2028 period in order to mobilise resources for social and economic development programmes, the bank said in a statement.

The statement said that the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) was presented by a team from the AfDB to Mozambique’s economy and finance minister, Max Tonela, last week in Maputo.

The document still has to be approved by the board of that body and is “an important tool for mobilising resources”.

The AfDB said that the resources to be raised as part of the CSP would be used to support projects in agriculture, health, education, water, energy and infrastructure.

The director of the Agriculture, Finance and Rural Development Department of the AfDB, Atsuko Toda, cited in the statement, defended the “importance of agricultural transformation in Mozambique, for the reduction of poverty and inequality, in an effective and sustainable way.

In Maputo, the AfDB team met with Mozambique’s private sector and cooperation partnersas well as members of the government.

“The bank recognises that the involvement of development partners and the private sector will serve as the basis of future engagement between these key players in investment projects mainly in agriculture, as well as health, education, water, energy and infrastructure,” the note said.



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