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Private Sector: “Wage Adjustments Should Be Based on Economic Performance

Private Sector: “Wage Adjustments Should Be Based on Economic Performance

The Confederation of Mozambican Economic Associations (CTA) argued on Monday, March 20, in Maputo, that the negotiations of national minimum wages should be based on sector performance, the real situation of national companies, as well as should preserve jobs.

Speaking during a meeting to prepare the negotiation strategy of minimum wages for this year, organised by CTA, the participants were unanimous in stating that one should not look at the recent Single Wage Table (TSU) of the Public Service and the current basic basket as premises to base the negotiation of minimum wages in the private sector.

“We should not base ourselves on the recent Public Service wage policy, as the private sector continues to face challenges resulting from the effects of natural calamities, terrorism in Cabo Delgado and kidnappings of businessmen,” the businessmen and associates argued, cited in a statement shared by CTA.

According to the statement, during the meeting it was revealed that negotiations will start next Monday, 27 March, involving eight sectors of activities, namely agriculture, hunting and forestry; fishing; mineral extraction industry; manufacturing industry; production, distribution of electricity, gas and water; construction; and non-financial and financial services activity.

Diário Económico


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