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Prime Minister Swears in New Government Officials

Prime Minister Swears in New Government Officials

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleinae, recommended dedication and commitment to the new leaders sworn in this Friday, 15 December, in Maputo, with a view to ensuring the achievement of the goals set out in the government’s Five Year Plan 2020/2024.

According to Rádio Moçambique, they are Virgulino Nhate, sworn in as permanent secretary of the Ministry of State Administration and Civil Service, and Emídio Mavila as permanent secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Also sworn in were Orlando Zobra, as chairman of the board of directors of the National Science and Technology Parks Company in Maluana, and Richard Baulene, as director-general of the National Tourism Institute.

It was in this context that the Prime Minister left a recommendation for the activities to be carried out during their time in office, stressing that this appointment comes at a time of great challenges, as the final year of the government’s Five-Year Programme 2020-2024 is about to begin.

The new permanent secretary of the Ministry of State Administration and Civil Service, Virgulino Nhate, said he would have the task of continuing the work underway and any others that may be necessary.

For the new permanent secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Emídio Mavila, the first challenge is to ensure compliance with the government’s Five Year Plan 2020/2024 in his sector.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of Maluana’s National Science and Technology Parks Company, Orlando Zobra, said that the challenge is to find mechanisms to leverage the services provided by the institution to better serve the communities.

For his part, the director-general of the National Tourism Institute, Richard Baulene, explained that the first challenge is to continue the work that has been done in the country’s tourism sector.


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