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President: “Mozambique Has Laid a Solid Foundation for Growth as a Competitive Country”

President: “Mozambique Has Laid a Solid Foundation for Growth as a Competitive Country”

This Wednesday, 20 December, the Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, classified the General State of the Nation as optimistic, considering that Mozambique has created solid foundations to grow as a competitive, sustainable and inclusive country.

“Mozambique has created foundations to grow in the coming years as a competitive, sustainable and inclusive state,” declared the head of state, during his annual State of the Nation address to parliament.

In a session marked by protests from the main opposition party during the speech, Filipe Nyusi admitted that the country still faces several challenges, highlighting the international economic situation and the war against terrorism in Cabo Delgado.

“This trend [of economic growth] will be driven by the strength of the extractive industry (…), the capacity building of road corridors, road and air mobility, the development of tourism, the gains of the Sustenta [agrarian] programme and the attraction of productive investments in industry and fishing,” he added.

He also reiterated that the year will end with the Mozambican economy recording growth of 5 per cent, despite the international climate, with restrictive monetary policies in the face of inflationary pressure caused by the energy crisis

“In terms of the most recent sectoral dynamics, with regard to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the third quarter, the boost given by the extractive industry stands out, with a variation of 43 per cent,” said the head of state.

In addition, Filipe Nyusi stated that “the current account balance stood at a deficit of 116 million dollars, influenced by imports of cereals and energy products, cushioned by exports of gas, coal and electricity”.


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