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Mozambique And Japan Evaluate Stage of Cooperation

Mozambique And Japan Evaluate Stage of Cooperation

The Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Manuel Gonçalves, and Japan’s Parliamentary Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hosaka Yasushi, will hold a working meeting in Maputo on Thursday (5) to assess the state of relations between the two countries.

According to a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two leaders will exchange views on strengthening bilateral cooperation in the transport, mineral resources and energy sectors. They will also witness the signing of an exchange of notes on the donation of food assistance to Mozambique.

In August, in an interview with DE, the representative of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Mozambique said that cooperation between the two countries has lasted for centuries and has deep roots in their history. Otsuka Kazuki revealed that proximity, particularly economic proximity, has increased over the last 20 years, during which time the Japanese government has invested around 1.6 billion dollars in various development projects throughout the country, with emphasis on infrastructure, agribusiness and natural resources.

“Our cooperation with Mozambique is based on two pillars: financial and technical cooperation. In the former, we have both reimbursable and non-reimbursable components. The second has to do with capacity-building projects and helping to establish regulations for government institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),” explained the JICA representative.


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