The Mozambican government will increase the value of the minimum retirement pension for civil servants and combatants to 2,920 meticals (42.20 euros), according to a decision taken at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.
The new amount of 2,920 meticals will also become the minimum value of the participation and social reintegration bonus and the combatant’s survivor and blood pensions, said the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Filimão Suaze.
Without specifying the amounts, the Council of Ministers also approved a 10 per cent increase in the value of the invalidity pension in its components relating to military rank or post and the supplementary invalidity allowance and benefit for incapacity proven by a medical board.
The new increases cover pensions that are below a third of the minimum wage paid in the state, said the executive’s spokesman.
The minimum wage paid to civil servants in Mozambique is 8,758 meticals (126.5 euros).