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Movement at Ressano Garcia Border Increases as Miners and Farm Workers Return to South Africa

Movement at Ressano Garcia Border Increases as Miners and Farm Workers Return to South Africa

Since Tuesday 3 January, the border crossing at Ressano Garcia, in Maputo province, has seen an intense movement of people leaving for South Africa, due to the return of Mozambican miners from different companies and farm workers to their jobs, after spending the holidays in the country.

According to the newspaper Noticias, despite images circulating on social media showing a traffic jam of cars, whose drivers were waiting to cross the border, the provincial spokesman for the National Migration Service (SENAMI), Juca Bata, said that the migration process was flowing normally. By the time he was contacted by the newspaper, mid-afternoon, 5,871 of the 20,000 expected travellers had already crossed through Ressano Garcia.

Aware of the high demand for the migratory service until Friday, when the peak number of departures is expected, the authorities have set up bumpers near the crossing point to control the heavy traffic, especially iron-chrome lorries.


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