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Minimum Wage Negotiations Resume

Minimum Wage Negotiations Resume

Negotiations on the minimum wage were resumed on Thursday, after being interrupted in 2020 due to covid-19, a union source told Lusa today.

“There was consensus to move forward with the discussion [on the minimum wage] because the situation is untenable for workers,” said Alexandre Munguambe, secretary-general of the Organization of Workers of Mozambique-Central Trade Union (OTM-CS).

According to him, the prospects are that the wage will increase, given the rising cost of living in the country, influenced by the impact of the new coronavirus.

“We analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that this is our new normal, to which we must adapt,” said Alexandre Munguambe.

The last minimum wage adjustment in Mozambique was made in 2019 with increases ranging from 5% to 12%.

Minimum wages are tabulated according to each sector of activity.

The lowest value of 4,390 meticais corresponds to the agriculture, livestock, hunting and forestry sector, while the highest of 12,760.18 meticais is for financial services, insurance companies and banks.



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