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MEF: China and Portugal Hold More than 20% of Mozambique’s External Public Debt

MEF: China and Portugal Hold More than 20% of Mozambique’s External Public Debt

More than 20% of Mozambique’s external debt contracted by the end of June was with China and Portugal, totalling almost 2.2 billion dollars.

According to the data contained in the report on public debt, released this Monday, 23 October, by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), and to which Lusa had access, at the end of the first half of the year Mozambique had a stock of public debt contracted externally totalling more than 10.2 billion dollars, a reduction of 2.9% compared to the first quarter.

Of this total, 52.1 per cent corresponded to external public debt contracted from multilateral creditors, totalling 5.3 billion dollars, an increase of 6.5 per cent on the first quarter.

However, only 3 billion dollars corresponds to financing from the International Development Association, part of the World Bank group.

Bilateral creditors account for 39% of the total external public debt, which totalled 3.9 billion dollars at the end of June, almost 1% less than at the end of March.

China alone accounted for 15.8% of Mozambique’s total external public debt, totalling more than 1.6 billion dollars, unchanged from the first quarter, while Portugal accounted for 4.4% of the total, worth 452.3 million dollars, a reduction of 4.7% in the space of three months.

Other bilateral creditors of Mozambique’s external public debt include Libya with 253.3 million dollars, Angola with 61.4 million dollars, Brazil with 47.4 million dollars and Russia with almost 56 million dollars.


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