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Mozambican Government Sets Goal to Bring Water to 80% of Population by 2024

Mozambican Government Sets Goal to Bring Water to 80% of Population by 2024

Mozambique’s President, Filipe Nyusi, remarked yesterday his intention to expand the water supply network from the current 62% to 80%, highlighting the mobilization of resources to achieve the goals as a priority for his executive mandate.

“With the ‘Programa Água para a Vida’ (‘Water for Life Program’), our goal is that by 2024 we are able to increase the coverage of water supply services in rural and urban areas nationwide from the current 62% to 80%,” said Filipe Nyusi, during the inauguration of the Gorongosa dam, in the center of the country.

For the head of state, the increase in supply coverage in the country will “accelerate the path towards achieving universal and equitable access to drinking water and sanitation.”

Filipe Nyusi also stated that the Government will remain committed to mobilizing resources for the creation of more water supply infrastructure in Mozambique.

“It is necessary to use water rationally because it is an increasingly scarce resource, however indispensable,” he stressed.

According to the Mozambican President, the Gorongosa dam, inaugurated yesterday, could benefit 45,000 people, in an investment of around 327 million meticais (US$5,1M).

“This dam will bring enormous benefits to the population and local economy of the Gorongosa district. The area has already been valued with this small dam,” said Filipe Nyusi, adding that the Gorongosa dam has a storage capacity of 300,000 cubic meters of water.

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