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Government Allocates 421 Million Meticais Annually to Prevent Diseases in the Agro-livestock Sector

Government Allocates 421 Million Meticais Annually to Prevent Diseases in the Agro-livestock Sector

Government Allocates 421 Million Meticais Annually to Prevent Diseases in the Agro-livestock Sector

The Mozambican Government disburses annually about 421 million Meticals in vaccines, medicines and tick control drugs, for the livestock. For this year, it is expected that 90% of the more than two million head of cattle in the country will be vaccinated.

According to Américo da Conceição, national director of livestock, quoted by the newspaper “O País”, with the expenditure the Executive “intends to ensure the continued growth of livestock production in the country,” pointing out that last year, the overall production in the livestock sector was about 159,000 tons of meat, a growth compared to the 141,000 tons recorded in 2020, and the increase in production was mainly due, and according to the responsible, “to the vaccination of animals.”

“The animal vaccination campaign is a unique moment and serves to ensure the defense of the animal’s health and the country’s economy,” national director of livestock.

Speaking during the launch of the animal vaccination campaign in Sofala province, Da Conceição mentioned that last year’s data indicate that the country has a herd of two million and 219 thousand cattle. And the vaccination last year covered about 87% of the herd against 62% in the year 2020.

“Contributed to the achievement of these results cited, the realization of the mandatory vaccination campaigns, the carraceiras baths, the increase in the national production of the vaccine and also the implementation measures of the control of animal movement, its products and by-products,” said Américo da Conceição.

Given the legal obligation to provide vaccination and bathing public services free of charge, programs are carried out according to the annual calendar and specialized technicians.

According to the source that O País has been quoting, the vaccines are against several diseases, with emphasis on anthrax and foot-and-mouth disease that affect cattle; Newcastle disease in chickens; and rabies in dogs and cats. The Government’s investment in the production of vaccines brings joy to cattle breeders.

With the support of the cooperation partners in this five-year period, 6,500 jobs are expected to be created in this sector.

“The livestock value chain has great potential for income generation, secure job creation, and significant contribution to the national economy and that ensures the resilience of populations to the climate changes that the country suffers,” said Américo da Conceição.


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