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EU Launches Call for Proposals Worth Up to €2M to Boost Investment Skills

EU Launches Call for Proposals Worth Up to €2M to Boost Investment Skills

The European Union (EU), through the Global Gateway strategy, has announced the launch of a call for tenders aimed at strengthening investment skills in sub-Saharan African countries, including Mozambique.

According to a document shared with the DE, the call for proposals will officially open on 6 September, and the initiative aims to fund projects that align local skills with emerging employment opportunities resulting from the Global Gateway’s strategic investments in the region.

Entitled ‘Opportunity-Oriented Skills: Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Africa’, the initiative is open to all sectors with a high growth pattern, and selected projects will have access to funding ranging from 1 to 2 million euros.

Called ‘Opportunity-Oriented Skills: Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Africa’, the initiative is open to all sectors with a high growth pattern, and selected projects will have access to funding ranging from 1 to 2 million euros.

‘Proposals must demonstrate a practical, market-orientated approach, responding directly to the employment needs created by European Union investments. Projects that promote close co-operation with the private sector, both at EU and local level, and that address critical skills gaps, contributing to the sustainable and inclusive development of value chains, will be favoured,’ the note clarified.

According to the information, one of the priority pillars of the call is access to renewable energies, and applications can be submitted by consortia or individual organisations collaborating with local actors, such as private companies, public or private VET institutions, foundations and international organisations.

Proposals must be submitted by 3 November 2024, and approved projects will have a maximum of 24 months to be implemented.

‘This is an opportunity to boost capacity building and promote sustainable development in Mozambique and other sub-Saharan African countries by creating jobs and strengthening local skills,’ he concluded.

What is Global Gateway?

The European Global Gateway strategy, launched in 2021 by the European Commission, aims to promote smart, clean and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport sectors, as well as strengthening health, education and research systems around the world.

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It also makes it possible to tackle the most pressing global challenges, from the fight against climate change, to improving health systems and strengthening the competitiveness and security of global supply chains.


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