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IMF: Government Must “Life Proof” Civil Servants By June

IMF: Government Must “Life Proof” Civil Servants By June

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Monday, January 22, that the Mozambican government must “life proof” all civil servants by June of this year, as part of the technical and financial assistance programme.

According to the recent report that completes the IMF’s third evaluation of the implementation of the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) programme, the country has failed to meet three of the targets set for 2023, and the government must work to ensure that all the targets are met within the new deadlines proposed.

“Among the measures that have not yet progressed are the revision of the Public Probity Law, which was scheduled for June 2023 and should now be completed by next March, and the public availability of information on the actual beneficiaries of companies that have contracts with the state, initially planned for the end of December and which has been rescheduled for September this year,” said the IMF.

According to the financial organisation, “the third measure that remained unfulfilled in this evaluation was the conclusion by September of the general audit and ‘proof of life’ of all public sector employees, justified by operational difficulties, which was agreed to be concluded by June”.

The most recent figures show that the Mozambican state’s operating expenses increased by 9.4 per cent in the first nine months of 2023, to 237.4 billion meticais, driven by the increase in salaries.

Earlier this month, the IMF approved the third review of the financing programme for Mozambique, guaranteeing the “immediate disbursement” of 60.7 million dollars for budgetary support.

“The Executive Board has concluded the third review of the implementation of the Extended Credit Facility programme for Mozambique. With this new amount, total disbursements to the country will rise to 273 million dollars,” he said.


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