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State Exceeds Target in Revenue Collection

State Exceeds Target in Revenue Collection

State revenue collection in 2020 was 236,321.5 million meticais, which represents 110.4 percent in relation to the forecasted target of 214,141.7 million, according to information shared, yesterday, at the end of the IV Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers.

Still, this result represents a decrease in relation to 2019, a year in which the revenues collected stood at 276,788.2 million meticais.

In a statement the Council of Ministers indicates that total State expenditure was 337,397.3 million meticais (90.2 %), out of the 374,096.6 million meticais expected, against 313,621.4 million meticais in 2019.

In the session that assessed the balance of the Economic and Social Plan (PES) and the Execution Report of the 2020 State Budget, to be submitted to Parliament, it was made known that out of the 548 PES indicators assessed last year, 411 reached the target, of which 296 fully and 115 partially.

Despite these results, the government said that the year was strongly influenced by several negative factors, especially the Covid-19 pandemic, terrorism in Cabo Delgado and the attacks in the central part of the country.

According to the source, in the period under review, the country recorded internal macroeconomic stability characterised by an increase in coverage of net domestic reserves, which rose from 5.8 months, as stipulated in the plan, to 6 months.

It also recorded stability in inflation, at 3.14 percent, compared to 2.78 percent for the same period in 2019, below the 6.6 percent forecast for the current year.

At the same session, the Council of Ministers approved the decree establishing, as a public service, universal and free access to the Bulletin of the Republic, edited and published in electronic form and other conditions of its use and revokes Decree No 41/2006 of 27 September.

The universal and free access includes the possibility of printing, archiving and searching the acts published in the Republic Bulletin on the website managed by Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique, E.P.

The Government has also approved the harmonized plan to the sector strategies and programs, with the purpose of promoting employment and integrating the employment variable in the medium term fiscal scenario and in the annual budgets.


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