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CIP Proposes Referendum on District Elections in Mozambique

CIP Proposes Referendum on District Elections in Mozambique

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP) advocates holding a popular consultation and says the commission set up by the government to assess the feasibility of district elections in 2024 in Mozambique has neither the time nor the legitimacy to do so.

In an interview with DW Africa, CIP researcher Ivan Maússe is critical of the fact that the commission set up by parliament last week in Maputo is made up only of members of the ruling party, and advocates holding a referendum to bring out the will of the citizens.

Meanwhile, Maússe also said that the failure to hold district elections, as provided for in the Constitution of the Republic, could jeopardise the peace process in Mozambique. The source argues that civil society should be involved in the debate on district decentralisation, because this is a mechanism that will “return power to the people.”

Carta de Moçambique


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