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US Reaffirms Support for Mozambican Military Counter-Terrorism Training

US Reaffirms Support for Mozambican Military Counter-Terrorism Training

The US reaffirmed this Thursday, April 20, its intention to repeat training activities with Mozambican military personnel who will fight terrorism in the north of the country, after four already held, announced the US embassy in Maputo.

“The US Department of Defence plans to conduct future JCETs (Joint Combined Exchange Training) with Mozambique’s Armed and Defence Forces (FADM) that are being deployed to combat the spread of terrorism and violent extremism,” a statement read.

The intention was expressed in the balance of the 4th joint action – which ended on 10 April – in which members of a US Army Special Forces team carried out a two-month training with the FADM Special Operations commands and Marines.

“This training is another symbol of the United States’ commitment to working with Mozambique and its Armed Forces to combat terrorism and to empower Mozambican individuals, communities and institutions,” said Ambassador Peter H. Vrooman.

The US Department of Defense is also conducting a fourth cycle of medical training for FADM members who will be deployed to Cabo Delgado.

More than 150 soldiers are enrolled in the Tactical Combat Wounded Assistance and Combat First Aid courses – the latter focusing on the training and certification of instructors.


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