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Tmcel Launches Low Price Campaign to “Democratise” Internet Access in Mozambique

Tmcel Launches Low Price Campaign to “Democratise” Internet Access in Mozambique

The mobile operator Moçambique Telecom, SA (Tmcel) announced on Monday 11 December that it intends to democratise Internet access in the country, explaining that it will be available from five meticais for pre-paid customers, and there will also be unlimited data packages.

“With these offers, Tmcel aims to make a decisive contribution so that all Mozambicans are always able to communicate and connect to the internet at the lowest prices on the market. This is a way of contributing to digital inclusion, as well as to the democratisation of internet access,” said the Commercial Director, Adil Ginabay, quoted in a statement.

According to the company, with the measure adopted, customers “now have access to the Internet without worrying about the volume of data consumed or the limitation to predefined applications,” adding that “the packages vary between five and 50 meticais and include unlimited calls and text messages, and data traffic of up to 140 gigabytes per month.”

In September, the chairman of Tmcel’s Management Committee, Mahomed Adamo Mussá, said that the Mozambican state-owned telecommunications company is undergoing a “new rebirth”, as part of the revitalisation of operations until May 2024, budgeted at 132 million dollars.

Currently, Tmcel’s market share in Mozambique is between 10 and 12 per cent in terms of active customers, but the institution’s aim is to exceed 25 per cent in the medium term.


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