The closed season for fishing surface shrimp, mangrove crab and octopus for the years 2024-25 begins on Friday 15 November. This is a measure that has been implemented by the government, through the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), with the aim of maintaining, recovering and guaranteeing the sustainable exploitation of fishing resources.
According to a press release, the shrimp fishing ban covers Sofala province for industrial, semi-industrial and artisanal fishing, as well as Maputo Bay and the mouth of the Limpopo River, for semi-industrial and artisanal fishing, and Govuro district, Inhambane province, for artisanal fishing.
‘With regard to mangrove crab fishing, the ban will apply along the entire Mozambican coast and, for octopus, the areas of Cabo Delgado, Nampula and Inhambane will be covered,’ the document explained.
The statement said that this ban has been characterised by enforcement against offenders, the seizure of illegally fished products and harmful fishing gear, as well as actions to raise awareness among fishermen, in particular, and society, in general, of its strict observance, taking into account the benefits of fisheries management for the subsequent fishing season.
‘The fisheries regulation states that the established closed season is without prejudice to marine scientific research and investigation activities which, under this regulation, must follow their normal course, and the results may influence the alteration of the closed seasons now established,’ he concluded.