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Government Inaugurates New Photovoltaic Plants Today at 160 Million Meticals

Government Inaugurates New Photovoltaic Plants Today at 160 Million Meticals

As part of the electrification of areas outside the public network in the country, the Government, through the Energy Fund (FUNAE), inaugurates today, 25th of November, in the province of Tete, two photovoltaic plants built in the administrative posts of Chintholo and Chipera, in the districts of Cahora Bassa and Marávia, respectively.

FUNAE explained in a statement, cited by the Mozambique Information Agency (AIM), that the two solar plants are budgeted at over 160 million meticals, funded by the State Budget.

“In a first phase, 200 consumers are already connected to each mini-grid, including the headquarters of administrative posts, schools, health centres, homes and commercial ventures,” the document said.

The statement also said that in Chintholo, where the network is 7.5 kilometres long, 100 streetlights had also been installed, of which 35 are connected to the grid and 65 are autonomous solar lights. In Chipera, FUNAE has installed 82 lamps, of which 32 are connected to the grid and the rest are solar autonomous.

“The two plants are of the containerised model, which constitutes FUNAE’s new approach in the framework of rural electrification efforts (off-grid). The adoption of this model aims to accelerate the implementation of the commitments made by the institution in the framework of universal energy access by 2030,” the document adds.


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