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Engie Energy Provides Solar Energy to Over 220,000 Families

Engie Energy Provides Solar Energy to Over 220,000 Families

More than 220,000 families in Mozambique have been connected to solar energy generated through a project developed by the French company Engie Energy Access, in an investment totalling more than €18.3 million, the company announced on Thursday.

The number of households covered by the Engie Energy Access operation corresponds to more than 1.2 million people in ten of Mozambique’s 11 provinces, the French company said in a statement.

The firm “began operating in 2019 and is the only renewable energy operator in the country offering off-grid, end-to-end energy solutions, including solar home systems and mini-grids,” it said.

To consolidate its presence in Mozambique, Engie Energy Access said it would launch “a large domestic solar system on Friday in Maputo, with greater capacity to power 32-inch televisions and up to eight light bulbs, to provide renewable energy for customers”.

Quoted in the note, Engie Energy Access CEO Gillian-Alexandre Huart said that the company’s activity in Mozambique is going through a decisive moment, pointing out that the Mozambican government’s recent legislative revisions and the upcoming tax incentives will be key to attracting more investment to the sector and to accelerating access to energy for all Mozambican families by 2030.

The Mozambican government has pointed to renewable energies as an important contribution to achieving the goal of universal access to energy by 2030, through solutions outside the national grid.


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