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PR: “Visit to China Mobilised $28M in Donations for Mozambique”

PR: “Visit to China Mobilised $28M in Donations for Mozambique”

The MozambicanPresident, Filipe Nyusi, said that the visit to the People’s Republic of China had exceeded ‘expectations’, as it had allowed 28 million dollars to be mobilised in the form of donations for MozambicanPresident.

Speaking during a press conference to take stock of his six-day visit to the Asian country, the statesman pointed out that most of the money will be earmarked for the Defence and Security and health sectors, and that the construction of the surgical centre is expected to be completed soon.

‘The visit exceeded expectations. We mobilised more resources and a willingness to cooperate towards modernisation and secured support for sectors that are important for boosting the economy,’ he explained.

Nyusi emphasised that two memoranda were signed, one on the export of macadamia nuts, cashew nuts and bóer beans to the Chinese market, and the other on the exchange of experiences between the municipalities of Marracuene, in Maputo, and Jinan, in Shandong province.

The statesman also said that the Chinese government had pledged to send food donations to help displaced people and victims of terrorism and climate change.


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