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Mozambique Receives Finnish Support to Strengthen Education

Mozambique Receives Finnish Support to Strengthen Education

The education sector in Mozambique has been significantly strengthened thanks to continued support from Finland. In recent years, collaboration between the two countries has focused on teacher training and promoting education for girls, with notable results.

According to a budget execution report recently released by Lusa, Finnish support, channelled mainly through the Education Sector Support Fund (FASE), has had a crucial impact on improving teacher training and the quality of education. Between 2014-22, the number of teachers in primary and secondary schools increased, particularly in secondary education, where the number of teachers doubled and the percentage of female teachers rose to a quarter of the total.

The joint efforts resulted in a significant improvement in access to basic education. In 1992, only 41 per cent of Mozambican children between the ages of 6 and 12 attended school. This figure rose to over 90 per cent before the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating remarkable progress.

The document also states that Finnish co-operation has also contributed to important reforms in the education sector in Mozambique. ‘These include the diversification of teacher training, the introduction of mother tongue education and the extension of free compulsory education from seven to nine years. These changes are essential for improving learning outcomes and promoting more inclusive and equitable education,’ it says.

The evaluation report highlights the fundamental role of Finnish experts in the implementation and success of these programmes. ‘Finland has been one of the largest bilateral donors to FASE, and its long-term participation and professional approach have been highly valued by Mozambique’s Ministry of Education,’ it explains.

In addition to support through FASE, Finland has contributed to teacher training through a pilot project in partnership with the World Bank and the Mozambican Ministry of Education. The COACH/Aprender Mais project offers continuing professional training for teachers, strengthening the quality of education in the country. Finnish higher education institutions and civil society have also played an important role in this process.

Despite the progress, the evaluation report points to persistent challenges, especially in the quality of education and learning outcomes. With the population expected to double in the next 25 years, the need for quality education becomes even more pressing. The report recommends that Finland continue to focus on girls’ education, improving teacher performance and strengthening school governance.

The evaluation, carried out between August 2023 and February 2024, emphasises the need to share lessons learned with other donors and to continue investing in the development of the education sector. However, due to budgetary adjustment measures, Finland will reduce its funding for development co-operation in the coming years, affecting bilateral co-operation with Mozambique. From 2024, the focus of Finnish cooperation will shift to political, economic and trade relations, although collaboration between civil society organisations and higher education institutions will continue.

This change in strategy was taken into account in the recommendations of the evaluation report, which encourages Finland to maintain its commitment to improving education in Mozambique, even in the face of new financial challenges, the information describes.


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