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Mozambican President Demands Tight Control at National Borders

Mozambican President Demands Tight Control at National Borders

The President of the Republic yesterday promoted Felizardo Sede to Chief Commissioner for Migration, challenging him to fight corruption in the institution and improve national migration services.

Filipe Nyusi is demanding greater control of the entry, stay and exit of foreign citizens in the country, at a time when, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence and Security Forces, there is a growing trend of illegal migration to the country.

“You must restore the internal control sector, and, for this purpose, identify and neutralise the internal focuses of intermediation in the processing of documents facilitating the illegal entry of foreign citizens and falsifying documents for nationals as well as for foreigners, and strengthen document inspection actions at crossing points with a view to detecting cases of attempts to enter the country by foreign citizens who do not meet the conditions required by law,” Filipe Nyusi said.

Felizardo Sede has been with the Migration Service for 20 years. He was previously provincial director of Migration in Gaza province and pledged to follow Nyusi’s recommendations.

“Our challenge is to bring these services closer to the citizens, so as not to incur further costs in the process of issuing migratory documents. I am talking about passports and other documents. Bringing services closer to citizens through the creation of district delegations is one of our priorities,” Felizardo Sede said in reply.

Nyusi also on Thursday received Apostolic Nuncio Dom Piergiorgio Bertoldi, who came to say goodbye at the end of his four-year diplomatic mission to Mozambique. “What I have come to recognize is that the Mozambican people are resilient, and able to face difficulties looking forward,” he commented.

Cristina Duarte, adviser to the United Nation Secretary-General on the interlinkages between peace and development in Africa and the focal point in UNHQ for relations with the African Group with regard to Africa’s development, was also received by the Head of State, this time to highlight the closure of the DDR process.

“I conveyed three very simple messages: to congratulate the President of the Republic, who deserves to be congratulated, to congratulate Mozambique, but, above all, the Mozambicans on this excellent result,” she commented.

The President of the Republic also held a meeting with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, with whom he spoke about issues related to peace and development.

O País


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